Friday, June 6, 2008

Nutritious Lunches

I was a very lucky soul today and got an extra long lunch break!  This RARELY happens.  I am very lucky to have an hour for my lunch break, but an extra long one?  Hmm... must be a GREAT FRIDAY!   

Let me explain how the day started.  We had a birthday celebration for a co-worker for the first HOUR - then saw three fun and very friendly patients - got to chit chat it up with the ladies at work and take a long lunch! 

Can you say Cookie Dough Ice Cream?  Ok, so I know that this probably isn't the best lunch item, but when it's Friday and you want to have a little fun, whey the heck not?!  I wanted to get out of the office because it was such a beautiful day, so I walked around our parking lot (it's a big complex) then got in my car and headed out to find lunch.  I had a craving- but for what?  I did not know.  As I turned the corner, to my right I saw a Baskin Robbins :)  mmmm... how could anyone go wrong with that?  When I walked in I saw the quart size ice cream tubs... hmm... should I?  YES!  So I got one.  Now I'm all about fun and excitement, but I wasn't about to eat a quart of ice cream alone... so who do I instantly think about by my Jac-Attack She-Ra punk rocker girlie! This was perfect timing- I had just enough time to get to SRVHS and get into Jac's classroom before she went to lunch.  I had called her cell-y just to make sure she hadn't headed out to lunch before I made it to her room.  I walked in and instantly surprised!  Yeah baby yeah.  So I "shared" (and when I say share I really mean- barely dent) a quart of ice cream and left-over spinach dip from "enrichment night" with Jac for lunch. Yeah not the typical combination for lunch, but two good things can always be put together :) After "denting" the ice cream I headed back to work where I got to see three more lovely patients and finished my day early!!  I knew today was going to be a GREAT FRIDAY... and it was!!!!  

Thanks for sharing it with me Jac-Attack!


Jaclyn said...

Did you look at the time stamps on our blogs? We wrote our respective posts about the same thing an hour apart. We are crossing into a new stratosphere or some strange vortex where our brains are merging - and I love it. I was thinking today about my best friends, and I just kept coming back to how blessed I feel to have you in my life. We were joking last night about what we will say a year from now about Chipotle conversations, Utah giggling, and drama detox sessions in the car after work. What's amazing is I have not even known you a year, and yet I know you'll be around for every year I have left in my life and then some-- since our mansions will be next to each other in the hereafter. Heavenly Father knows that we need that kind of proximity-- Love you forever. Thanks for everything.