Thursday, January 21, 2010


sometimes i sit and think about my life and how i thought i had it all figured out when i was 16 and then when i was 18 and of course when i was 21. let me tell you, most of the planning i had done- didn't work out. am i sad? for the most part no. do i laugh at myself? all too often. do i think i have my life planned out now? yeah right- no chance! i've decided that i am embracing life as it is and enjoying it.

everyday i talk with my patients about life. (no i'm not one of those hygienists who show you random pics of my dog...i don't even have a dog nor do i want one!) i'm the type of hygienist who loves to talk and when i say love i mean LOVE. most people ask me "when the girl is talking to me, am i supposed to answer? i mean how am i supposed to answer while her hands are in my mouth?" i love that question! why do i love that question? because i'm the type of hygienist who majority of the time is telling you a story- when i'm not telling you a story i'm asking questions, but i give my patients a chance to answer the question-- hands removed from the mouth and all. i do have a few patients who continue to try to talk even when i've but my instruments back in their mouth and by some miracle i understand what they're saying. crazy i know, but as you get to know me more you understand it all more clearly.
now that the background info is out there---let's get back on track. so i talk with my patients about life. i talk about everything. i have gotten some of the best advice from my patients. most of the people i see are adults (no i'm not an adult- i'm still growing up that's why i get advice from my patients). i enjoy hearing so many different points of view on a single subject. topic of the month for me has been family traditions. with the holidays behind us i as everyone how they celebrated. some celebrate Christmas, some Hanukkah, and some not at all. no matter which holiday was or was not celebrated, everyone celebrates differently. there has not been a single tradition that has been the same for anyone. i LOVE that. it gives me great ideas for traditions i want to have when i someday have a family of my own. i'm always "future thinking" and hope that i'll be able to keep some of my family traditions as well as create some of my own with my family.

everyday is an adventure. sometimes i like the adventures that i embark on and sometimes i don't. sometimes i am stubborn. sometimes i love the way my hair looks and sometimes my outfit actually matches the purse i've chosen to use for the day. sometimes my niece says "CC stay here" and i think to myself why not?

i love life and the fun that it is- some days are better than others and i still love life :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR- ten days late :)

Roses are red, violets are blue, why is it so hard to keep up with you?!

Happy new years friends!!! I cannot believe 2010 is here. I always remember as a little girl thinking by the time it's 2020 we'd all be living like the Jetsons. Unfortunately I don't think in just ten short years we'll be able to have our lives changed that much, though prove me wrong and I'm totally ok with that.

I want to say first and foremost that I'm am glad to welcome in the new year and say goodbye 2009 with a big smile :) Last year was a little crazy. I cannot pin point exactly the things that made 2009 crazy though there can be a long list made. I've decided to not bore you with the crazyness, and just get you excited about 2010!

I have recently become an advisor for 14-15 year old girlies :) I have to say that when I was initially asked to work with these girlies I was super scared and did not know what the heck I was going to do. In a few short weeks I already have a large place in my heart for each and every girl. We have lots of fun and believe it or not, I highlighted one of the girls hair yesterday :) Hooray for fun times I tell you and here's to many many more fun times with the girlies!

My super cute niece is learning, laughing, and talking tons more! She still calls me "CC" which I hope sticks for all the little nieces and nephews to come. (There are no nieces and or nephews on their way, though I can continue to wish and hope). Ashley got to go see santa and was of course scared of him, though never cried- that a girl- that a girl (photos to be added soon).

As for all the other little tidbits in my life, I continue to have opportunities for growth placed in front of me daily. I know that life isn't mean to be easy and I'm learning to not run faster than I have strength. I can see that this year already holds great things for my life--- I can't wait to get this year rolling and keep you posted!

Ugh- I will work on keeping you posted :)