Monday, September 22, 2008

sick sick sick

When I was a kid I thought it was the coolest thing to be sick.  Why?  Because you got to stay home from school! Mom would always take care of me- homemade chicken noodle soup, soda crackers, pajamas all day and at least 2 movies!  Unfortunately when you grow up, getting sick just isn't as cool as it used to be! :(
I laid in bed all day today.  I finished reading a book, watched a movie and just slept.  It just wasn't as exciting as I remembered.  Why is that?  I mean shouldn't I have thought it was the coolest thing to not have to do anything today?  Yes, on one hand it was pretty cool to not have to do anything, but at the same time I had things that I should have been doing.  Maybe it's not as "cool" as it used to be because I have more responsibilities as an "adult" though please don't refer to me as an adult, I don't think I'm old enough yet. 
Though now that the day is nearing an end I do feel much better having accomplished nothing because my cough and sniffles have gotten better.  I do have to say thank you to the family for all that they did to help take care of me, drinks, pillows, tissues, medicine and any other thing I needed.
Tomorrow I try the real world.  Good luck- hopefully I don't make any of my patients sick!

Metering Lights

Where do I begin?  Red lights, that's all I've seen!
Just a short time ago, the metering lights began for west bound 580.  Initially you would think that the metering lights would help, but unfortunately I will have to let everyone know that that is NOT the case!  On average, it takes me 30mins just to get on the freeway on my way to work in the morning, where it used to only take about 25-30 mins to get to work!  Now, I am no expert in traffic control, but how is it that it now can take twice as long to travel to work?  Most of the people I've talked to about this "great" invention, the metering light, they say "this is the dumbest idea anyone had!"  Now, I don't mean to offend anyone, and especially not the person who came up with the metering light idea, but do you commute to work?  URGH... there really is NO point to this blog, other than I just want to say that I think metering lights just move the problem into the city and make my commute longer.  So thank you to those who worked so hard to make my commute longer.