Roses are red, violets are blue, why is it so hard to keep up with you?!
Happy new years friends!!! I cannot believe 2010 is here. I always remember as a little girl thinking by the time it's 2020 we'd all be living like the Jetsons. Unfortunately I don't think in just ten short years we'll be able to have our lives changed that much, though prove me wrong and I'm totally ok with that.
I want to say first and foremost that I'm am glad to welcome in the new year and say goodbye 2009 with a big smile :) Last year was a little crazy. I cannot pin point exactly the things that made 2009 crazy though there can be a long list made. I've decided to not bore you with the crazyness, and just get you excited about 2010!
I have recently become an advisor for 14-15 year old girlies :) I have to say that when I was initially asked to work with these girlies I was super scared and did not know what the heck I was going to do. In a few short weeks I already have a large place in my heart for each and every girl. We have lots of fun and believe it or not, I highlighted one of the girls hair yesterday :) Hooray for fun times I tell you and here's to many many more fun times with the girlies!
My super cute niece is learning, laughing, and talking tons more! She still calls me "CC" which I hope sticks for all the little nieces and nephews to come. (There are no nieces and or nephews on their way, though I can continue to wish and hope). Ashley got to go see santa and was of course scared of him, though never cried- that a girl- that a girl (photos to be added soon).
As for all the other little tidbits in my life, I continue to have opportunities for growth placed in front of me daily. I know that life isn't mean to be easy and I'm learning to not run faster than I have strength. I can see that this year already holds great things for my life--- I can't wait to get this year rolling and keep you posted!
Ugh- I will work on keeping you posted :)
Happy New Year to you! This year is definitely going to be better-- maybe we'll be seeing you in a killer white dress this year?!
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