Monday, November 17, 2008

Is it fall or have I fallen?

I'm not sure how many of you have been outside (in California) lately, but I know that today when I stepped out of my house to run the millions of errands I had to today, it didn't feel like fall! I have always associated fall with crisp air and cool breeze (meaning I need a jacket). I don't think I've gotten to use any of my jackets yet and especially not this week, no mam, not this week at all. Don't get me wrong but I love warmer weather but I also love the fall crisp-ness... the fresh air that you can just smell the minute you walk outside. Plus the vain side of me wants to pull out some of my fun fall jackets- then move to the also fun winter coats and are all just sitting in the closet waiting to be used! (I do have to say though, now that I am blogging about this, you know the weather is just going to take a turn and jump from fall crisp-ness to winter cold- oober cold- hahahaha -)
Some may ask what is your ideal temperature? Well Jac and I were just talking about what the perfect temperature would be in heaven. I said that it would be 80 degrees with a slight, and I mean very slight breeze to help keep the air moving while Jac would take more of the 70-75 degrees with a cool breeze- then since we both being right because when are girls wrong? decided that we'd be in our perfect state with good circulation so the temperature really wouldn't matter! :) Even more of a plus I'd have to say, but still since we're not in heaven and it is fall (despite the circulation issues) can we get some fall weather?
Turkey day is just around the corner and I cannot believe it- totally doesn't seem like we should be preparing for that since it's warm out there. I love Turkey day but always feel better about eating mucho food when it's cold- gives me an excuse to stock up for the winter months- but if there is not winter weather in the forecast then why would I eat mucho food? grr... but like previously stated once this blog goes up you know it'll get cold...and oober cold at that!
Happy Fall!!!

ps and btw- this pic is a birthday cake-I know I know not the traditional cake- but so yum! Thank you Utopia Bakery of SLO- pumpkin cake shaped and decorated like a pumpkin!

Monday, November 3, 2008


You must always go over the top when a child is involved.  I think this is the motto of my entire family.  Since my niece was born it has been non stop spoil-fest for Ashley.  I love her to pieces and yes, I do take part in the spoil-fest.  For Halloween we got Ashley a fairy costume!  
On Halloween I couldn't wait to get her into her costume- once the sun went down and it was starting to get dark out, I hurried to get her in her costume. (I always try to steal the fun from my sister- I think by now she's gotten used to it and lets me get away with doing some of the mom things- thanks sis!)  Once Ashley was in her outfit she started to play with her skirt- oh how cute!  My sister was so happy and finished getting Ashley into her outfit.  Then, of course, the pictures began- my sister and I instantly pulled out the cameras and tried to get as many shots as possible, though now that Ashley is mobile, it makes getting a clear shot a little harder.  All Ash wanted to do was roam around- let's just say that out of all the hundreds of pics we took, there were only a handful of those where you could actually see her! *chuckle*  Oh she's too much of a doll for me.  So here she is my little niece...spoiled...but dang cute!

Happy Halloween!

I love Halloween!  I think that this is a fabulous time of year, though as I always say, this time of year tends to come more quickly than I ever expected!  This year I was able to go to the pumpkin patch and pick out my very own pumpkin!  Fantastic- it did take a while to find the exact pumpkin- but lo- I did it!  I found the perfect pumpkin :)
Now I am not an artistic person... I cannot look at something and envision the end product... nope, not me.  I can however trace (hence my name) and cut, so as the typical, I found Jack from the Nightmare Before Christmas and I made him my pumpkin!