Thursday, November 19, 2009

Racing to catch up...

Life has been crazy we go!


My fun-fabulous wedding in Seattle Washington, was for Khushy who had a semi-traditional Indian wedding. I really wanted to submerge myself in the culture and festivities, and what better way than to go out and get the right attire. Thank you Berkeley for your help in finding a great outfit (though do not be surprised, this outfit was VERY low key compared to all the other outfits. I though originally that I would be "fancy" enough, hmmm... yeah not so much, I was just "nice" looking rather than "fancy").


Ashley is growing like a weed. First of all she doesn't call my by my name, she calls me "CC" and I just think it's absolutely adorable. She loves watching me get ready in the morning. She's started to say "make up! make up!" She has two favorites when I'm getting ready, one is "eyes, 'CC' eyes?" and she wants me to put mascara on her eyes (we pretend and as I get close to her eyes she backs up and her eyes flutter, though she lights up when I say "ok Ashley look how pretty"). Second is "mmmmm's" now that's Ash's nickname for chap stick and oh how she loves that. Once she has her chap stick on, don't get too close or even ask for a kiss because heaven forbid you may mess it up!
*sigh* Now she's 2 and loving life, learning everyday and getting into mischief.

later in the month, Elizabeth and Jess got married, soo cute. The wedding was low key and beautiful. I have a hard time with elevation and here Elizabeth and Jess got married at a look out at 9,000ft! I thought I was going to die, though I was able to hold it all together for the wedding. The reception was great, held in town (Boulder UT, yes Boulder, UT) and there was a great turn out for the fun!


Now we move right along to good ol' Halloween! Ash loved the pumpkin patch and got to ride on a pony, ride on a train or in her words "choo choo", and run around in the pumpkin patch. We had such a fun time, it took me back to my childhood and I even got to pick out a pumpkin to take home with me!
This picture isn't the best, though this is pre-Halloween and Ash is dressed as a fairy princess.

and now....

I know a lame post, choppy and disorganized :( boo to me....but at least you got a quick update!

love you


Jaclyn said...

What are you talking about? Lame post? I love it. I would love to see more pictures from the Indie wedding (can't spell your fabulous friend's name). I can't believe how big Ashley is! Love you!