Thursday, November 19, 2009

Racing to catch up...

Life has been crazy we go!


My fun-fabulous wedding in Seattle Washington, was for Khushy who had a semi-traditional Indian wedding. I really wanted to submerge myself in the culture and festivities, and what better way than to go out and get the right attire. Thank you Berkeley for your help in finding a great outfit (though do not be surprised, this outfit was VERY low key compared to all the other outfits. I though originally that I would be "fancy" enough, hmmm... yeah not so much, I was just "nice" looking rather than "fancy").


Ashley is growing like a weed. First of all she doesn't call my by my name, she calls me "CC" and I just think it's absolutely adorable. She loves watching me get ready in the morning. She's started to say "make up! make up!" She has two favorites when I'm getting ready, one is "eyes, 'CC' eyes?" and she wants me to put mascara on her eyes (we pretend and as I get close to her eyes she backs up and her eyes flutter, though she lights up when I say "ok Ashley look how pretty"). Second is "mmmmm's" now that's Ash's nickname for chap stick and oh how she loves that. Once she has her chap stick on, don't get too close or even ask for a kiss because heaven forbid you may mess it up!
*sigh* Now she's 2 and loving life, learning everyday and getting into mischief.

later in the month, Elizabeth and Jess got married, soo cute. The wedding was low key and beautiful. I have a hard time with elevation and here Elizabeth and Jess got married at a look out at 9,000ft! I thought I was going to die, though I was able to hold it all together for the wedding. The reception was great, held in town (Boulder UT, yes Boulder, UT) and there was a great turn out for the fun!


Now we move right along to good ol' Halloween! Ash loved the pumpkin patch and got to ride on a pony, ride on a train or in her words "choo choo", and run around in the pumpkin patch. We had such a fun time, it took me back to my childhood and I even got to pick out a pumpkin to take home with me!
This picture isn't the best, though this is pre-Halloween and Ash is dressed as a fairy princess.

and now....

I know a lame post, choppy and disorganized :( boo to me....but at least you got a quick update!

love you

Thursday, September 17, 2009

And Again...

Well here it is again....shocking? NO!  I will keep up the posting... just not tonight! :) hehehe I need a little rest :)  lovies to you

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Shining Star

Rebecca Williams was a shining star to everyone.  Becky was the type of person you met and loved instantly.  She had a smile that would like up a room and a sense of humor that could keep you laughing for hours.  Becky had the biggest heart which everyone was jealous of.  There were no ill words spoken of anyone and her arm was always extended to those in need even if it was hard for her to do.  She never complained and she always said thank you.  Becky was a mother of a beautiful daughter Brooklyn.  

We lost Becky one year ago today.  We lost her to cancer.  She was a fighter.  She never complained or said why me.  She stayed as positive as she could and as always asked how we were even when she was in the most pain.  Her life went quickly and the last time I got to see her was shortly before she passed.  It was a moment of heartache- one that I hope to never have to go through again, but I have to say that I do feel blessed to have been able to whisper in her ear the things I wanted to thank her for.  Becky couldn't respond to what I say, but by the way she breathed I knew she heard me.  A heartfelt moment I will never forget.

Her husband Jesse and daughter Brooklyn along with her father, mother, brother and two sisters are the ones who help Becky's legacy live on. 

Most people hope to have a legacy that will be remembered by those they love.  I know that Becky's legacy of love, compassion, honesty, meekness, beauty, integrity, and virtue will live on in the life of Brooklyn.  She knows that her mother is in heaven watching over her.  Brooklyn will grow up knowing of her mothers legacy because of the stories we tell of her.  We will continue to talk about Becky as much as we can so that she can not only live on for Brooklyn but for us as well.

I wish I would have known Becky more than I did, but I know that when the day comes when I too shall pass through the veil, she will greet me with open arms and that beautiful smile.
I love you Becky- 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Do I need help?

Addictions can be dangerous, lucky for me, I don't have any additions. :)  Hahaha- ok let's be serious - and stop the denial!

Since summer is upon us, I figured that spring cleaning should be nearing an end!  Every year I tell myself that I'm going to be better next year. I'm going to make sure I clean out the closet LONG before the shopping season begins! (for those of you who don't know, one of my favorite stores is Nordstrom and when their women and children's half yearly sale begins, that is the opening to shopping season)

Unfortunately this year I've been behind schedule, though I haven't delayed the shopping.  Here is the top shelf in my closet, one of my closets that is.  This picture depicts only some of the jeans which I own.  One may say, "wow that girls wears a lot of jeans" where another may say "goodness who needs all those jeans"  while I say "even though I can't wear jeans to work, I still need a variety.  What if I want to wear this shade or that shade, or pick a length- flats or heals? I mean the pockets do tell all and each brand has a different pocket and each can come in different colors!"  Now if you're my mom you'd say- "you're crazy, no one needs all those jeans and goodness, those don't include the ones in the wash or your jean capris or your jean shorts, not to mention your non-jean pants capris and shorts- girl you have a problem!" (ps sorry the jeans aren't coordinated- I threw them up to take a pic) (pps some might ask how many jeans I have- if you count only the long jeans I have at least 20 pair)

Tops- I never have any tops to wear and that is no fun.  I have to
say that most women - well actually just the ones I associate with say that they never have any tops to wear!  I feel the same way sister friend I feel the same way!  I NEVER can find a cute top to go with anything.  I have to say that, though you only say my jeans, I have a plethora of bottoms- probably more than 60 if you count jeans, pants, dress pants, capris, and shorts- *sigh* though there's never anything to wear with it.  To the right are some of my tops.  Now I love to coordinate but again some of the things were just thrown in for picture purposes. These tops are mostly t-shirts (but nice ones, not including my lounge-y shirts that I work out in or those that are like the "Hanes" type), and button up tops both short and long sleeve).  So as you can see here, and even with my sweaters or shirts that can't be hung (which are not pictured) it is clear that I have NO tops to wear!  Grrrrr- what is a girl to do?

Some may say well that doesn't seem too bad and others may say- wow that girl is crazy.  I am a girlie girl- and I love to shop.  I enjoy being fashionable and I love color coordinating all my things.  I have another closet that has dresses, skirts and jackets too.  I have something in almost every color and sometimes every shade of color too.  I have a purse for every color of the rainbow and enough shoes to wear a different pair each day for too many days.  

This is a little side note of me- 
I know I have a lot of clothes but I still have nothing to wear. There are a lot of things I need in life but unfortunately they don't all fit in your purse. You can't control everything. Your hair was put on your head to remind you of that. I like shoes that cost as much as a car payment. It's okay if I don't know what I'm doing, no one else does either. At least I look better doing it. Do you ever look in the mirror and ask "What is my hair doing and why didn't it mention anything to me before deciding to do it? I know I have a lot of clothes but I still have nothing to wear.

I try to hold back but I can't- though not all the shopping is for me.  I sometimes buy things for friends and family too- they are the lucky recipients of this disease- or whatever it's called.  On another side note, I do by the way buy and own all my clothes- no credit card companies half own my things- if I can't afford it, I don't own it- which helps the splurging.  

Well friends, now that I've shared some info on me, I hope this doesn't make you think less of me.  I'm still me- clothes and all!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

It's Mama's Day!  To begin- this is a picture of the homemade red velvet cupcakes I mad for my mama on Mama's Day!!!  They actually were really good- YAY!!!

I'm sure everyone will say that they have the best mother, and you know what?! I'd agree- I think that every woman (whether a mother or future mother) is the best.  I cannot tell you how many women have touched my life.   Let's just take the obvious, my mom.  Words will never be able to describe the absolute pride that I have for my mom.  I look up to her in more ways than I could ever list.  I'm not sure how good I was in the life before, or who I paid off but I sure am glad I got the mother that I did.  Even though my  mom and I have had our moments- as do all the great women- we still have unconditional love for one another.  At a drop of a hat, and sometimes even before (cause she's sooo intuitive) she's there without fail.  Mom, I love you- and even though I don't tell you enough, I love you more and more each day for the woman you are and for the inspiration you are to me.  I know that someday when I become a mother I will have had the best example there ever was to follow after.  You rock my world woman- you rock my world!

Other women I'm thankful for... (only a short few)

Hawaii Grandma- I love my grandma.  She is amazing.  I again cannot say enough about her.  She is 86 years old and still going strong.  She is a strong willed woman and there is not stopping her.  My favorite memory of her was when we would go and visit her in the summer and while eating dinner she'd whisper to me saying "now eat all the good stuff first, then a few of the vegetables that way you don't have to eat  all the vegetables.  You can tell them you're full- but don't forget, always save room for dessert!"  Till this day I always save room for dessert!  Grandma is also an amazing seamstress.  She can make just about anything.  If you see something in the store- let her see- cause she'll probably just go  home and make it- she's that good!  Baby blankets- she's made multiple- clothes you name it and she's still making them for herself and others.  She rocks too- I love her deeply!

Stockton Grandma- My "Stockton Grandma" passed away a little over 15 years ago.  I was 10 at the time.  I have fond memories of her.  We used to go monthly to my grandma's house to hang out take her shopping and all sorts of things.  My grandma was the one who was the chef.  We had the best food whenever we'd go to her house.  She always had cookies, homemade of course (now you know where I got that from too), she had apricot trees in the back and we'd always get walnuts and use the nut cracker to get the walnuts out of the shell.  Every year we'd go to her house for the traditional Japanese cuisine for the new year!  At the time my young taste buds were not acquired to the Japanese cuisine- though I wish they were.  Now I long to see what some of the yummy food tasted like :)

Nancy- This is an old neighbor who is too great for words as well.  I've known Nancy since I was about 8 years old.  She is the most mild mannered woman around.  She never raises her voice and treats everyone with kindness.  She is a mother of three boys yet she still makes time for girlie moments- and I love that!  We still go out on occasion to catch up on the happenings of our lives- she even brings birthday and Christmas gifts to me every year!  Nancy- You're fabulous!

Lorraine-Ah yes my Chinese mother- hahaha.  Well here's how the story goes.  I met Mme. (Madame) when I was a wee 8 years old as well.  I was a tiny lad and scared to go to my sister's school (being that she was in high school).  My sister was, at the time taking french and it just so happened we were at a back to school night and I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Mme.  The first time we met I remember her speaking to me in french, and as a young lad I just thought she was crazy so I gave her a dirty look- we still laugh about that today!  Though my oldest sister didn't continue in french my second sister did and then I later TA'd for her my freshman, sophomore, and junior year.  She finally convinced me my senior year to actually take french which I did.  While in high school she was my mom away from home- the one I could go to whenever needed and just be comfortable- Plus it was fun to tell kids I was really her kid- they believed us cause "all asians look alike" right?

last but not least Becky-  Becky was a woman to look up to.  She was only two years my senior and yet wise beyond her years.  She gave birth to Brooklyn just a few short years ago.  Becky was the most loving person.  The words don't even come when I'm thinking of her, but the emotions do.  Becky was the one who was meek, mild, humble, caring, giving, full of gratitude.  She never complained, not once- and even while battling cancer she never once said why me.  Becky lost her battle and we lost an amazing mother, but I am glad she was able to bring Bookie into this world so that she can live her mother's legacy.

These are just a few of the women I have looked up to.  I could go on forever with the list of the most influential women in my life but I just don't have the time.  I have to say that if you are a woman and reading this, then I could probably say a few words about you too- thanks for being you- I love you :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

OH the shopping never ends

If you know me, then you know that this really isn't a true representation of who I am. Now I don't consider myself a vain person, though I love to shop and I enjoy helping others shop. Most of my friends call me the fashionista...which I consider a true compliment. I do have to say that me specialty is JEANS- give me any person, any size and any budget and I'll find you a perfect match! I just wanted to share some of my favorites- *(and if you blog you know how hard it is to add all these pics so that's why there are only a few)

Monday, April 20, 2009

OH The Weekend

I love being outside- and when the weather is just right, who wouldn't want to be outside? I had a ton of fun down south this past weekend. It seems that every time I go down south (or should I say anywhere) I end up eating way too much and spending way too much money! Let us begin with my weekend...

I got in on Friday night- left right after work and headed on down. By the time I got there I was starving! FEED ME is all I could think. Sumo Sushi is fantastic! YUM right to my tum. So of course I way over ate and enjoyed every moment. Now being Friday night, who wouldn't want to have a tasty treat after?! If you know me you know I'd eat carbs, fruits, veggies and sweets all day every day and not worry about any other food. So we headed to get a tasty treat at Bali's Yogurt. If you haven't been to a fun FRO-YO joint let me explain. Pick up a cup- or cone, fill it with whatever flavor and amount of yogurt you'd like and pile on the toppings. Once you're done just weigh you treat, pay and enjoy! The best invention yet! So thank you non- fat fro-yo!

Ahh the Apple Farm. This is the best place to start your day. Mom always says you can't miss breakfast and what better way to get your hearty meal than to come to the Apple Farm. I recommend this to everyone! Try it out!

If you haven't been to SLO then you're missing out on the down town area. I love shopping and so there are tons of cute shops to go and thumb around. Once we were all stuffed with the yummy breakfast it was time to walk it off. Unfortunately even after a long time (I'll spare details on that) of shopping NOTHING was purchased. So odd for me, but oh well it is what it is. Since time had elapsed (remember I'm sparing details but I'm sure you get it) it was time again to eat. SHOCKING!

Heck yes it was time for Quickly! Woot woot! Boba baby Boba. I'm not always one for weird things but Boba drinks I have to say are bomb. I love fruity drinks and how great to have Boba with it. (for you whities boba is tapioca pearls- kinda like fruit snacks or gummy bears without the flavoring) So Quickly it was for our trip to Costco. *sigh* more money spent to make a tasty seafood meal the next night!

After our adventure of food we headed out to Montana de Oro which was absolutely fabulous! We went on a 4 mile hike- 2 miles in and 2 miles out! This is me almost to the top! Oh baby- here I go! So as you can see I have something on my arm. I recently go the Body Bugg and am loving every minute of it. The only down fall is- when I'm on "vacation" I tend to not do as much activity, but with this fantastic hike in Montanan de Oro- I was able to be killer with the Body Bugg. Heck yeah Heck yeah, now maybe I was able to work off breakfast! LOL riiiight...
So in keeping with the info on the Body Bugg, it helps me monitor my activity levels during the day, the amount of calories I burn and how many steps I take. I can log in online to track my eating habits and see it along side what I've burned for the day. So I've been trying to be as good as possible- and with my hike I killed my goals for the day, now if only I could keep it up.

to end it all we ended up eating here at Tahoe Joe's as we always do. What a way to top off out DAY in SLO. Can you believe we did all this in one day!? Food glorious food- la la la la la la!!!! Oh by the time the day ended I was rollin home but every minute was worth it.... Now back to Body Buggin it with the start of the new week.

Oh and remember how I said I always spend too much money?! I bought a Mac Book and printer this weekend as well... did I forget to mention that?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Too long- too much to catch up on...

January- as a hygienist you never think that you'll be going on a business trip.  I mean come on, all you do is clean teeth right? WRONG!  First off when people ask if all I do is clean teeth I tell them I do more, much more.  I build relationships, educate, serve, have fun and do lots more while cleaning teeth.  I mean shoot- did you know your mouth is the gateway to the rest of your body?  Ok so back to business trips.  So I had the great opportunity to go to Palm Springs to a Business Mastermind seminar- held by Tony Robbins.  We had the best time ever and learned so much.  I have to say that as a team we built a stronger team relationship.  I met some fascinating people that I can't wait to see again!

February- well for most people it's the month of LOVE... for me it is always  the month of sibling birthdays!  My oldest sister comes first, then my other sister, and finally my brother in law.  Now gifts are a big thing for me.  I always want to make sure I get people exactly what the want or need- in fact I try to listen so intently to what people want that sometimes they don't even remember they wanted  it!  :)  Puts a smile on my face every time!

March- so I'm always one who's up for travel.  I work 4 days a week which means I have a 3 day weekend every weekend.  I know be jealous, it's ok.  So here was my schedule.  I was off Friday, then off always on Monday and I had taken an extra day off on Tuesday for an extended weekend.  I thought that a friend and I would be traveling down south, but unfortunately that did not happen.  Thursday night I was feeling kinda bummed about the whole situation and was talking to a friend and my mom and decided at that moment to check to see how much it would be to go to Hawaii.  The price was right and I called my uncle.  He said my aunty and cousins and their kids were coming this weekend too so hop on a plane and come on over.  So I bought my ticket on Thursday night and got on a plane Friday morning :)  OH how I love being flexible!  Now let me tell you that these shoes were meant for traveling!!!!!

April- It's my birthday month!!!  HOORAY- celebrate with me!  I love the month of April because it's just about the time the weather starts to change and it's when I get to celebrate not only my birthday, but a ton of other people's birthdays too!  I have to say that I  know more people born in the month of April than any other month!  CRAZY.  So I got to spend some time with my office ladies- dinner with friends- dinner with the fam- lunch with the best girl on the earth- and I still haven't celebrated with everyone!  I'm going out to get some yogurt tomorrow to continue the festivities and Friday night I'll be heading out once again for some fun!  Now wait, even though the month will be over soon, if I haven't celebrated with you, don't fret- there's still time- we can keep the fun going as long as need be!!!  LOVE IT

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Did last year happen?

It's been too long folks!  Where has the time gone?  That's what I always tend to say at the end and start of a new year.  Let's begin with the end of the year.  (I'll recap since we all know that I'm the BEST at blogging)

Turkey day came and went, the typical yummy hearty food.  Mom's the greatest when it comes to home cookin'.  We had the typical turkey, stuffing (two different kinds because we have to please the family), potatoes, gravy, bread rolls, cranberries, corn, and beans. Dessert is how we roll and we had pumpkin and apple pie, homemade of course, crust and all (I think the ancestors would have rolled in their graves if it had been any other way).  All in all a yummy turkey day...check!

Christmas... where do you begin?  Now that I'm old and wise, let me just say that I love Christmas, and the true meaning of it.  My family is the best and am so glad to have shared time with them.  I have great friends as well and don't know what I would do without them.   I was able to really get into the spirit of giving for Christmas.  I love it when people smile and this past year I tried to make an extra effort to make people smile.  I have to say that I started shopping and preparing early.  Some might say that late spring, early summer is too early but yes that is when I started last year.  Now don't get ideas that I had tons done early, but when I saw things or heard people say things, I put that in the Tracy think tank and either found it or prepared a way to get it.  I love giving gifts and sharing with people!  Thanks to those I was able to give gifts to- without you I don't know who I would be giving gifts to!

Now I know we've all seen pics of my sweet niece Ashley, but here she is again.  I love her! Words cannot explain how much I truly love this little beauty.  Sometimes she has her moments, but so do I. When it comes down to it, she can always make me smile.  Ashley got to open her presents this year, and even though she wasn't all that interested, she did open a couple of them!  Gigi (or grandma) got her an awesome arm chair, and miraculously enough, so did Santa!  Ashley LOVES the chairs!  You should have seen her face!  She was excited to sit in a chair that she didn't have to climb up into!  To watch Ashley on Christmas was the best thing ever.  I'm at that point in my life where I really don't have things I want for Christmas. Presents are great, don't get me wrong, but to think of things I want or need, I have been blessed and am grateful for all that I have and don't think that there is much else I could ask for.  So Christmas... double check!