Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I love Halloween!  I think that this is a fabulous time of year, though as I always say, this time of year tends to come more quickly than I ever expected!  This year I was able to go to the pumpkin patch and pick out my very own pumpkin!  Fantastic- it did take a while to find the exact pumpkin- but lo- I did it!  I found the perfect pumpkin :)
Now I am not an artistic person... I cannot look at something and envision the end product... nope, not me.  I can however trace (hence my name) and cut, so as the typical, I found Jack from the Nightmare Before Christmas and I made him my pumpkin! 


Kimberly said...

That may be the cutest pumpkins I've seen all season. Great job!

Jaclyn said...

I seriously love your pumpkin-- next year, I am going to ask you to carve one and then say my right hand carved it :)