I'm not sure how many of you have been outside (in California) lately, but I know that today when I stepped out of my house to run the millions of errands I had to today, it didn't feel like fall! I have always associated fall with crisp air and cool breeze (meaning I need a jacket). I don't think I've gotten to use any of my jackets yet and especially not this week, no mam, not this week at all. Don't get me wrong but I love warmer weather but I also love the fall crisp-ness... the fresh air that you can just smell the minute you walk outside. Plus the vain side of me wants to pull out some of my fun fall jackets- then move to the also fun winter coats and are all just sitting in the closet waiting to be used! (I do have to say though, now that I am blogging about this, you know the weather is just going to take a turn and jump from fall crisp-ness to winter cold- oober cold- hahahaha -)
Some may ask what is your ideal temperature? Well Jac and I were just talking about what the perfect temperature would be in heaven. I said that it would be 80 degrees with a slight, and I mean very slight breeze to help keep the air moving while Jac would take more of the 70-75 degrees with a cool breeze- then since we both being right because when are girls wrong? decided that we'd be in our perfect state with good circulation so the temperature really wouldn't matter! :) Even more of a plus I'd have to say, but still since we're not in heaven and it is fall (despite the circulation issues) can we get some fall weather?
Turkey day is just around the corner and I cannot believe it- totally doesn't seem like we should be preparing for that since it's warm out there. I love Turkey day but always feel better about eating mucho food when it's cold- gives me an excuse to stock up for the winter months- but if there is not winter weather in the forecast then why would I eat mucho food? grr... but like previously stated once this blog goes up you know it'll get cold...and oober cold at that!
Happy Fall!!!
ps and btw- this pic is a birthday cake-I know I know not the traditional cake- but so yum! Thank you Utopia Bakery of SLO- pumpkin cake shaped and decorated like a pumpkin!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
You must always go over the top when a child is involved. I think this is the motto of my entire family. Since my niece was born it has been non stop spoil-fest for Ashley. I love her to pieces and yes, I do take part in the spoil-fest. For Halloween we got Ashley a fairy costume!
On Halloween I couldn't wait to get her into her costume- once the sun went down and it was starting to get dark out, I hurried to get her in her costume. (I always try to steal the fun from my sister- I think by now she's gotten used to it and lets me get away with doing some of the mom things- thanks sis!) Once Ashley was in her outfit she started to play with her skirt- oh how cute! My sister was so happy and finished getting Ashley into her outfit. Then, of course, the pictures began- my sister and I instantly pulled out the cameras and tried to get as many shots as possible, though now that Ashley is mobile, it makes getting a clear shot a little harder. All Ash wanted to do was roam around- let's just say that out of all the hundreds of pics we took, there were only a handful of those where you could actually see her! *chuckle* Oh she's too much of a doll for me. So here she is my little niece...spoiled...but dang cute!
Happy Halloween!
I love Halloween! I think that this is a fabulous time of year, though as I always say, this time of year tends to come more quickly than I ever expected! This year I was able to go to the pumpkin patch and pick out my very own pumpkin! Fantastic- it did take a while to find the exact pumpkin- but lo- I did it! I found the perfect pumpkin :)
Now I am not an artistic person... I cannot look at something and envision the end product... nope, not me. I can however trace (hence my name) and cut, so as the typical, I found Jack from the Nightmare Before Christmas and I made him my pumpkin!
Monday, September 22, 2008
sick sick sick
When I was a kid I thought it was the coolest thing to be sick. Why? Because you got to stay home from school! Mom would always take care of me- homemade chicken noodle soup, soda crackers, pajamas all day and at least 2 movies! Unfortunately when you grow up, getting sick just isn't as cool as it used to be! :(
I laid in bed all day today. I finished reading a book, watched a movie and just slept. It just wasn't as exciting as I remembered. Why is that? I mean shouldn't I have thought it was the coolest thing to not have to do anything today? Yes, on one hand it was pretty cool to not have to do anything, but at the same time I had things that I should have been doing. Maybe it's not as "cool" as it used to be because I have more responsibilities as an "adult" though please don't refer to me as an adult, I don't think I'm old enough yet.
Though now that the day is nearing an end I do feel much better having accomplished nothing because my cough and sniffles have gotten better. I do have to say thank you to the family for all that they did to help take care of me, drinks, pillows, tissues, medicine and any other thing I needed.
Tomorrow I try the real world. Good luck- hopefully I don't make any of my patients sick!
Metering Lights
Where do I begin? Red lights, that's all I've seen!
Just a short time ago, the metering lights began for west bound 580. Initially you would think that the metering lights would help, but unfortunately I will have to let everyone know that that is NOT the case! On average, it takes me 30mins just to get on the freeway on my way to work in the morning, where it used to only take about 25-30 mins to get to work! Now, I am no expert in traffic control, but how is it that it now can take twice as long to travel to work? Most of the people I've talked to about this "great" invention, the metering light, they say "this is the dumbest idea anyone had!" Now, I don't mean to offend anyone, and especially not the person who came up with the metering light idea, but do you commute to work? URGH... there really is NO point to this blog, other than I just want to say that I think metering lights just move the problem into the city and make my commute longer. So thank you to those who worked so hard to make my commute longer.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Have we ever done anything together?
So- thanks to the infamous Jac-Attack- I've decided to try this "leave a memory comment"
now, I am a new blogger and doubt there are many who even know that this exists...
if I am lucky enough to have one comment, I will feel accomplished! :P thanks friend!
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
now, I am a new blogger and doubt there are many who even know that this exists...
if I am lucky enough to have one comment, I will feel accomplished! :P thanks friend!
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Express yourself
Do you ever feel genuinely happy? Like all you want to do is smile and show everyone that yes, you are a happy person...see?! I love feeling like that! It's just great, and people just want to emulate the way you look because you ARE happy!I mean there are times when I try to put on this front like, heck yes I'm happy... uh... can't you see that? I mean I feel like my cheek are hurting from "smiling" soo much- but deep down inside I know that I'm not REALLY smiling, that I'm just giving that fake "make your lips go up and they'll think you're smiling" face. Hey as a wise friend said to me (Jac-attack) "fake it til you make it!" Sometimes we just have to do that, and hey, if it works for you then, rock it!
Now for some of you there are times when you probably feel like EEK! Woo Hoo Baby-- I feel FABULOUS and possibly like I'm going to jump out of my skin! For those who often feel this way, please tell me your secret! I'd love to have the energy to make this a regular emotion. People who are like this seem excited about life... ALWAYS. Have you ever met that person you think is "crazy" though you want to be like that person because you know you can never have a bad day around them? There are a few people that I know to be this way, though most tend to be kids. Children are the best! I know a little girl that when I see her, all I do is smile, and she helps make me feel extra happy about life and my day. She has been said to have never had a bad day in her life, and I totally agree. One day, when I "grow up" I aspire to be like her.
Whenever I see a kid sticking their tongue out, I instantly return the gesture. What do you think the emotion is behind sticking your tongue out? I'm sure there are plenty of different emotions that go along with it. For me it's either funny- returning the gesture to a little kid to see if they'll keep doing it, or it's a sarcastic / slightly frustrating expression. I used to use this form of expression a lot, but now I have devoted my time to teaching my niece how to stick her tongue out. I was doing really well with this new phenomena- until my sister caught wind of what I was doing. So, as of now, I sadly report, my efforts have been put on hold, though Ashley still finds it funny when I occasionally stick my tongue out at her, hopefully, in the not too distant future, she will have this whole sticking her tongue out look down! :)
GRRR!!! So have you ever seen The Incredibles? If you by some chance missed a great movie, I suggest you go watch that movie, then whatch the extra movie clip Jack-Jack-Attack (not to be confused with the infamous Jac-Attack notice there is NO "k" and only ONE Jac)! In this short clip, Jack-Jack has a babysitter Kari and she and I share similar facial expressions as seen on the right. I'd have to agree with Kari in the use of this facial expression. I use this when I'm exhausted, frustrated, and for lack of a better description, OVER IT! Making this face was by complete accident, but now it has become a part of me. I know it's NOT an attractive look, but I've decided that it's more fun to have faces that go along with the emotion I'm feeling rather than just using words to describe how I feel.
I love being able to share some of me- at times I think my facial expressions have gotten me into trouble- sorry! This is me... and right now, I'm genuinely happy. The past month has been a crazed one and I've probably been more in the "Kari face" mood- but I'm back and ready to go!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Nutritious Lunches
I was a very lucky soul today and got an extra long lunch break! This RARELY happens. I am very lucky to have an hour for my lunch break, but an extra long one? Hmm... must be a GREAT FRIDAY!
Let me explain how the day started. We had a birthday celebration for a co-worker for the first HOUR - then saw three fun and very friendly patients - got to chit chat it up with the ladies at work and take a long lunch!
Can you say Cookie Dough Ice Cream? Ok, so I know that this probably isn't the best lunch item, but when it's Friday and you want to have a little fun, whey the heck not?! I wanted to get out of the office because it was such a beautiful day, so I walked around our parking lot (it's a big complex) then got in my car and headed out to find lunch. I had a craving- but for what? I did not know. As I turned the corner, to my right I saw a Baskin Robbins :) mmmm... how could anyone go wrong with that? When I walked in I saw the quart size ice cream tubs... hmm... should I? YES! So I got one. Now I'm all about fun and excitement, but I wasn't about to eat a quart of ice cream alone... so who do I instantly think about by my Jac-Attack She-Ra punk rocker girlie! This was perfect timing- I had just enough time to get to SRVHS and get into Jac's classroom before she went to lunch. I had called her cell-y just to make sure she hadn't headed out to lunch before I made it to her room. I walked in and instantly surprised! Yeah baby yeah. So I "shared" (and when I say share I really mean- barely dent) a quart of ice cream and left-over spinach dip from "enrichment night" with Jac for lunch. Yeah not the typical combination for lunch, but two good things can always be put together :) After "denting" the ice cream I headed back to work where I got to see three more lovely patients and finished my day early!! I knew today was going to be a GREAT FRIDAY... and it was!!!!
Thanks for sharing it with me Jac-Attack!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Dad!
I have a short list of people I think are absolutely without a shadow of a doubt, amazing. Two of those fine people on my list; my dad and my mom. Sixty-six years ago today, he was born. It is sad that he didn’t make to see his 66th birthday, not even his 52nd. My father passed away at the young age of 51. My mother and father were ten years apart in age, my mom being ten years younger. They met each other in Hawaii while working at the same company. My dad, being a stud muffin of a man had a Corvette, but didn’t drive it to work cause he lived close enough to walk. ( I still laugh thinking about that…a totally chill car? And you don’t drive it? Hello?! I’d be prancing all around in my beast of a car if I had one, but my humble dad, what a guy!) Anyway, during my parents “courting” my dad would invite my mom to have lunch in his office, my mom didn’t have an office so she found it a great privilege to sit on his couch in his office and just chill during lunch! Now again, my dad the stud of a guy would even let my mom and her friends at work eat lunch in his office when he wasn’t there- how awesome is that?! Ok ok, so we all know what happens after the cute dating, they get married, in Hawaii, and move to Cali.
My parents were amazing together. I never once heard or saw them argue. They knew how to compromise while complimenting each other. Words can’t explain the amazing memories I have of them together. I could never be eloquent enough to describe such a perfect relationship. At times I’m sure they did have their disagreements and or hard times, but up until the age of 10 watching my parents, I found NO flaws. My memory of them is perfect.
Junichi Jun- that’s my dad! He was right in the middle, one older sister, one younger brother. My father worked hard. He didn’t grow up with a father in his life and was sent to work at young age. He was very outgoing and sporty. He was even the school president his senior year! After high school he continued to work and put his sister through college, yes his older sister. My dad did not graduate from college, but found himself a computer geek, but a dang good one. He traveled lots, did some work for the air force, had multiple jobs, but eventually found himself working for Wells Fargo Bank doing who knows what with computers. All I know is that he understood the old computer language—I think the “001000101100” (for those who get that). My dad was Vice President of his division; he had his own business card, which to this very day I still have and think is the coooooolest thing EVER! (this is just glimpse into the coolness of my dad)
I’ll share one of my favorite memories. When I was younger, I would write notes to my dad every night before going to bed, it was tradition, a tradition I made! It all started on a small note pad, then quickly moved to a spiral bound notebook. Sometimes I’d just write things like, “I love you” or “how was work?” other times I’d find myself writing about my day, or asking random questions. Looking back I think some of the best entries was when I’d sound out the words I was trying to write and spell them phonetically and my poor dad would do the best he could to “translate” but would sadly get it wrong. I think everything happens for a reason and I feel like I had a special “journal” with my dad because I wasn’t going to have extra time to get to know and bond with him. Now I don’t mean for that to sound sad, because I think of it as a happy thought. That’s something really cool I got to do! *chuckle * It’s hard to explain but reminiscing about the past is good for me, puts me back in a happy time – a time of innocence.
I celebrate my dad today because it’s his birthday, and yes I CELEBRATE it! ☺ I celebrate today by being as happy and positive I can be. I try to do things for others and see if I can make someone smile! If I have, then I feel like I’ve celebrated well! So thank you to my family and friends for allowing me to celebrate ☺
Happier thoughts, my cousin Cami has a daughter who was born just one year ago. Kieri was born June 2, 2007. She now, shares a birthday with my dad, which again, is the coolest and gives me yet another reason to celebrate!!! So happy birthday to Kieri—she’s 1 today!!!!!
I know that this entry is very random, but my head is all jumbled today. I don’t know if I make sense or if there really is a point to any of my rambling, but this blog is for me. I need this blog to help me release from a long day of trying my best to celebrate.
Happy birthday dad! I love you! ☺
Junichi Jun- that’s my dad! He was right in the middle, one older sister, one younger brother. My father worked hard. He didn’t grow up with a father in his life and was sent to work at young age. He was very outgoing and sporty. He was even the school president his senior year! After high school he continued to work and put his sister through college, yes his older sister. My dad did not graduate from college, but found himself a computer geek, but a dang good one. He traveled lots, did some work for the air force, had multiple jobs, but eventually found himself working for Wells Fargo Bank doing who knows what with computers. All I know is that he understood the old computer language—I think the “001000101100” (for those who get that). My dad was Vice President of his division; he had his own business card, which to this very day I still have and think is the coooooolest thing EVER! (this is just glimpse into the coolness of my dad)
I’ll share one of my favorite memories. When I was younger, I would write notes to my dad every night before going to bed, it was tradition, a tradition I made! It all started on a small note pad, then quickly moved to a spiral bound notebook. Sometimes I’d just write things like, “I love you” or “how was work?” other times I’d find myself writing about my day, or asking random questions. Looking back I think some of the best entries was when I’d sound out the words I was trying to write and spell them phonetically and my poor dad would do the best he could to “translate” but would sadly get it wrong. I think everything happens for a reason and I feel like I had a special “journal” with my dad because I wasn’t going to have extra time to get to know and bond with him. Now I don’t mean for that to sound sad, because I think of it as a happy thought. That’s something really cool I got to do! *chuckle * It’s hard to explain but reminiscing about the past is good for me, puts me back in a happy time – a time of innocence.
I celebrate my dad today because it’s his birthday, and yes I CELEBRATE it! ☺ I celebrate today by being as happy and positive I can be. I try to do things for others and see if I can make someone smile! If I have, then I feel like I’ve celebrated well! So thank you to my family and friends for allowing me to celebrate ☺
Happier thoughts, my cousin Cami has a daughter who was born just one year ago. Kieri was born June 2, 2007. She now, shares a birthday with my dad, which again, is the coolest and gives me yet another reason to celebrate!!! So happy birthday to Kieri—she’s 1 today!!!!!
I know that this entry is very random, but my head is all jumbled today. I don’t know if I make sense or if there really is a point to any of my rambling, but this blog is for me. I need this blog to help me release from a long day of trying my best to celebrate.
Happy birthday dad! I love you! ☺
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Time and age - a blessing
My gorgeous niece Ashley is 8 months old today. I can't believe how fast she has grown. She hasn't started to crawl, but she is doing the typical "backwards scoot" so I'm sure it's only a matter of time before she's mobile- then watch out world, she's on her way! Ashley is starting to get teeth too! Of course she is like any typical baby and has the lower two front teeth (aka #O and #P) and has just recently started to get her upper front right tooth (aka #E). As the hygienist, this is very exciting- and yes i have brought many a tooth brushes home for her to start her oral hygiene lessons early! Oh how I love to watch children grow. I love being an Aunt, it's the best thing in the world. I can't wait to build an everlasting relationship with her as she continues to grow. Everyone always says, enjoy the moments you have now because they grow up faster than you know, so true that is.
Time, how amazing. It never ceases to amaze me how out perceptions of time changes over the years and during different experiences. As a young child I thought waiting for 5 or even 10 minutes was going to kill me! Now, give me those 5 or 10 extra minutes to wait and I can fill it in no time and yet still need more time to do the various tasks I have on my "to-do list." School felt like it took a lifetime to complete but looking back I still remember "graduating" 8th grade as though it was only last week. The feelings and anxieties I had as a young teen don't seem to be that far off in the past. College? A wink in time, while in college I thought it was never going to end but now I hardly think that it made a dent in my life. I think while going through different experiences we see the same thing, depending on emotions involved. For instance, while under stress and in low emotional states I find myself dragging. The days seem long and it seems as though next week will never come. On the flip side to that, when all it happy go lucky and life is just "peachy" as we know it, the weeks fly the days don't seem to bog down and before you know it the month is over and we're welcoming a new season. (Now I'm not trying to make a point on time and our emotional state vs time and age, but it's just something I've been thinking about today.) As we continue in this "time" I've realized that it's all about remembrance. I hope that I am able to remember as many special moments that are given to me.
You and I are lucky to be healthy and alive. It means the world to me to have family and friends close, so we can build relationships and make memories. Today I had a very humbling experience. I saw a patient today who turned 90 years old yesterday. This woman lives at home, alone and has a care giver who will typically stay with her during the better part of the day. She doesn't walk very well, but is very able. When going out and about she travels by wheel chair. She does need help doing most things but is as bright as a pistol and sharper than a pencil. It is however, hard to understand her when she talks and she is very quite while speaking. As an office we got her a special birthday card, which we all signed, and a bouquet of roses to celebrate her for her 90th birthday. She was so appreciative. As I read her birthday card to her she cried and was nothing but thankful and touched by the kind gesture.
My experience today, touched my heart and I was happy to have had a special patient today. This kind woman just reminded me that no matter your age or health situation, everyone needs love in their life. Everyone loves to be celebrated at times. I have a special quote that I had printed on my checks, it says "Cherish the moments, share the memories" and I hope that we will all be able to do such a thing, for life is too precious to just be a passer by.
Monday, May 5, 2008
It's been three years
To the left you will see my college graduation picture. Well let it be official that I graduated college three years ago! I know it's hard to believe, I look so young right? HA! If only that were the case. Let's just say that I never thought that graduating from college would be such a mixed emotion. I mean don't get me wrong I loved the experience, the friendships and that opportunities given to me, but I however, do not miss the late nights, frantic studying or the long days in the clinic cleaning teeth and seeing things you only figured you'd see in a text book.
Becoming a hygienist was not a hard decision, though at times I did feel like I was a crazy woman. I mean working in a clinic?! You try it. I mean is it that hard to say brush you teeth? That's all I would ask for in school. Brush, yes brush. It's not asking for too much I mean I wasn't asking anyone to floss! Please just take a look in the mirror - and brush for the love of pete and all the other people in the world. *sigh* Ok so some may think that I'm vain for having said that, but once you've walked in my shoes for a day, then we'll talk. I do have to clarify now, that since I have moved out of a clinic and into private practice, that things have definitely changed. I don't know if people are more vain in the bay area opposed to Stockton, or if it is private practice vs clinic, but people surely do take care of their teeth. I do get the occasional "please brush your teeth" patient, especially kids with braces, but mostly I love my job because I don't typically feel like it's "work." I have the best office in the world. I love my "boss" though she is more of a mentor than a boss and does fantastic dentistry. My patients are the greatest - I love being able to build relationships with them, watch kids grow up and just laugh and have a good time with them. Making patients not feel like they're in a dental office is our goal, and we're good at it! I mean does your dentist have massage chairs?
So- I think this is how it's all supposed to work. Share a little about me- sign out and do it all over again?! Hmm... whenever you start a new journal you never know where to start. I mean, do you recap? and if you do recap, how far back do you go? Then, by the time you've caught up to where you are in life now, are you just OVER it? I know that's how I get, then the cycle begins again. You wait forever to update that journal, recap and yet you find yourself in the same boat, eh... So here I am, I've graduated from college and now I work. Gosh, this blog could have been that one sentence. Hahaha, I laugh and yet feel sorry for anyone who just read through all that! All in all, here I am - welcome to my life.
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